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Success Stories

Impact due to the Intervention Programmes of National Jute Board(NJB) under jute technology mission in Empowering of rural women in different parts of the country.

National Jute Board (NJB) has not only initiated many programmes to create awareness about the jute products but also helped the under privileged women in different parts of the country while doing so. This is one of the success stories of NJB's intervention programme in Assam's small village, Bagulamari located in the Western side of Dhubri town. Eroded by the mighty river Brahmaputra, this village doesn't have cultivable land. NJB has initiated a programme called Empowering of Rural Women, in order to improve their economic condition, by giving them Advance Training, Design Dissemination Training, Skill Up gradation Training and Technical Demonstration on Dyeing and Bleaching and helped them to form Women Self Help Group in the village. NJB has also arranged the supply of raw materials from Jute Raw Material Bank, Dhubri on credit basis since they don`t have money to buy. The success of this programme resulted in increasing interest about jute handicrafts training among women of Dhubri's adjacent villages. As a result, NJB has started this programme in some under developed villages of Assam and has succeeded in empowering the women by providing them training on jute handicrafts for free.

   Success Stories of Assam

Jeevika started working with National Jute Board, a statutory body of Ministry of Textile Government of India since 2007-08 in Bihar with the main objective of improving the living standard of the assisted poor family by organizing the rural poor Self Help Groups (SHGs). These SHGs helped the people of Katihar, Bhagalpur, Begusarai and Khagaria in improving their self-confidence through constant interaction in groups meetings and by giving them the opportunity in taking decision collectively. This helped them in prioritizing their needs and resources by taking up Jute Diversified Products as their mode of production and trade. Bihar state government also supported Jeevika by appealing to all officials to co-operate with Jeevika in the development of poor & needy people by providing them orders from every corner of the state whenever they need jute products. To solve the inflated and unavailability of raw jute materials, Jeevika Jute Raw Material Bank was established in 2008, where raw jute materials became available at mill gate price. This helped the beneficiaries to gain more profits from their products and live a better life.

  Success Stories of Bihar 

The success story of Gujratis, is basically about the area of Junagadh and Porbandar districts. It consists of villages which were neglected and were deprived of basic civic facilities. The main occupation was agriculture, but that was also not in good shape as the water was saline. They mostly depended on rain water or monsoon which was not that sufficient for crops. As a result, the production was low and affects their income too. The people were economically backward. Most of them belong to schedule caste and other backward castes. There was almost no literacy. So, Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs) were deployed there. There has been a tremendous change over the past few years. This group encouraged people to work hard and made them believe in the plan and better future. Various steps were taken to make people aware about the Jute Development Programs and WSHG.The people from the villages were able to showcase their products at national levels in fairs and seminars. This helped them in getting good offers both from Indian as well as international markets. Different villages specialized in different products. For example, Jute handloom by Navapara cluster, Jute bag by Mangrol clusters and so on.This resulted in improved economic and living condition of the people residing in these villages. In some cases, people earned as much as Rs.2000 per month.

   Success Stories of Gujarat

This is the success story of remote villages named Raghubahiyar of Paterwarblock of Bokaro district and Bagbera of Jamshedpur Block, where the majority of people belong to schedule cast and other backward classes. The major source of income was agricultural practices and due to lack of technology and bad roads, the people of these villages liveda deprived life. In Bagbera, women, used to collect Mahua from forest and were involved in illicit liquor (Chulliya) making,and had to live in constant fear of police raid. The condition of women in Raghubahiyar was also bad, as they hardly earned anything substantial from tailoring. Chotanagpur Craft Development Society(CCDS), with kind support of National Jute Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, initiated Cluster Development Programme for women in order to make their living better as well as to generate the jute production. This programme was of imparting Basic Training on "Jute Handicraft". Self Help Group were set up and bank accounts were opened for every women involved in this programme individually. CCDS from its raw material bank supported the group by providing them raw material at factory gate price. This has resulted in not only generating the jute production but also empowering the women of these villages.

   Success Stories of Jharkhand

NJB has initiated Training – cum – Production Center [TCPC] on Jute Diversified Products in 2003. The scheme was implemented through RURAL ORGANISATION FOR SOCIAL ACTION [ROSA ] , a State level registered women based organization. From the year 2007-08 to 2011-12, ROSA has successfully implemented Jute Service Centre in 12 blocks of 3 districts of Odisha, where basic training on Jute Bags, Handicrafts, jute diversified products, advance technical training, dissemination training were given to the underprivileged women. The raw materials were provided by Jute Raw Material Bank of Cuttack. In fact, ROSA has not only succeeded in developing Jute centers in Odisha but also provided the beneficiaries a platform to advertise their skill through fairs and exhibitions and earn for better lifestyle. ROSA has also initiated a campaign against the use of polythene in Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Puri with the help of District Administration, Municipality Corporation & ORMAS and isspreading jute product awareness.

   Success Stories of Odisha

Following is the story of Smt. SunitaVerma who got the opportunity to attend Awareness workshop, organized by BhartiyaSewaSansthan, the Cluster Development Agency of NCJD, now known as NJB. She was selected as a trainee for 21 days of Basic Training and 15 days of Advance Training programme followed by allotment of sewing machine to her.SurajMahila Jute Self Help Group comprised of 15 members and succeeded in making sufficient money by producing different jute products. Smt. SunitaVerma and her co-worker have also got the opportunity to participate in fairs and exhibitions in different parts of the country through NJB's scheme to sell their product at good price and also got aware of the public likes and dislike for their further production. This has not only helped Smt. SunitaVerma but also her co-worker to live a better life with self-empowerment

   Success Stories of Uttar Pradesh

Following is the story of Smt. SunitaVerma who got the opportunity to attend Awareness workshop, organized by BhartiyaSewaSansthan, the Cluster Development Agency of NCJD, now known as NJB. She was selected as a trainee for 21 days of Basic Training and 15 days of Advance Training programme followed by allotment of sewing machine to her.SurajMahila Jute Self Help Group comprised of 15 members and succeeded in making sufficient money by producing different jute products. Smt. SunitaVerma and her co-worker have also got the opportunity to participate in fairs and exhibitions in different parts of the country through NJB's scheme to sell their product at good price and also got aware of the public likes and dislike for their further production. This has not only helped Smt. SunitaVerma but also her co-worker to live a better life with self-empowerment.

   Success Stories of West Bengal

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