For the sole purpose of developing the techniques of jute production with the help of advanced technology, Indian Jute Machinery Research & Development, (IJMRD) Company was established by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India in joint venture with Lagan Engineering Co. Ltd, Kolkata, in the year 2008. The chief responsibility of this company was to make the process of jute production easier for its producers with advanced technology. Therefore, with invention of three machines in these years, IJMRD has made the whole jute producing procedure less troublesome for its manufacturers. With the help of these machines
- Draw Head for Finisher Card,
- 4ΒΌ" High Speed live spindle spinning and
- Shuttle less circular loom for weaving coarse fabric, IJMRD has contributed a lot in maximizing the production at low cost and less time. The popularity and usefulness of Jute has increased tremendously after the invention of Jute Geotextiles. Jute Geotextile is one of the most usable products in the world in woven or non-woven form. This product has proven triumphant in road construction, solving problems like soil erosion in flood prone land and many more. Having the maximum moisture absorbing quality, this product is also bio-degradable, which makes it one of the best eco-friendly products.
A Manual on use of jute Geotextile in Civil Engineering
Biotechnological Application of Enzymes
Low Cost Retting of Jute/Kenaf/Mesta for Quality Up-gradation
Designing of New Metallic Card Clothing for Jute Cards