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CSAPM Scheme
Capital Subsidy for Acquisition of Plant and Machinery (CSAPM)
Capital Subsidy for Acquisition of Plants and Machinery (CSAPM) Scheme for manufacturing Jute Diversified Products (JDPs) has been approved by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India implemented through National Jute Board (NJB), a statutory body under Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. The Scheme is in operation under National Jute Development Program (NJDP) Umbrella Scheme of NJB during the 15th Finance Commission (2021-26).
Assistance under the Scheme @30% will be provided to the beneficiaries for purchase of JDP manufacturing machinery as provided in the Scheme guidelines subject to fulfillment of all other criteria as laid down in the Scheme guidelines and availability of funds.
The upper ceiling of the assistance under the Scheme is Rs.1.5 Cr. / beneficiary unit during the entire tenure of the Scheme.
Operational Guidelines of CSAPM
List of Eligible Jute Diversified Products
List of eligible Core Machinery with Vendors (Provisional)
List of eligible Non- Core Machinery(Provisional)
Formats for enlistment of Vendors under the Scheme
Minutes of the 1st TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 2nd TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 3rd TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 4th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 5th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 6th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 7th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 8th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 9th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 10th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)
Minutes of the 11th TC meeting under CSAPM (Download)