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Achievements of JTM Schemes

Status of implementation of the Mini Mission IV of the Jute Technology Mission (JTM).
The Government of India launched Jute Technology Mission (JTM) spanning a period of 5 years during the 11th Five Year Plan period for overall development of the jute industry and growth of the Jute Sector. National Jute Board (NJB) was responsible for implementation of 9 (nine) schemes under Mini-Mission-IV of the JTM which deals with the modernization aspect of the Jute mills and diversification of Jute products.
  Targets of JTM (relevant to MM-IV) Achievements
1 About 55% of the mills are expected to technologically upgrade themselves by the end of the Mission period. 120 units have availed the benefits under 6.4, which included 83 composite jute mills, 25 yarn and twine units, 3 weaving units and 7 jute diversified products manufacturing units and 2 unit in a Jute Park, which is around 88% of the running and eligible jute units.
2 The jute industry, under the Mission mode has to develop to find its own place in the competitive international market. Due to various interventions under the Jute Technology Mission, the exports of the jute goods have increased from Rs.1055 crores in 2006-07 to Rs. 2107 crores in 2012-13 registering an increase of 99.71%.
3 The technology will require constant updating on the pattern of a normal textile industry – Product engineering improvement of the productivity of machinery and management practices. It is expected that by the end of the Mission Period, mandays per MT will go down to 35 from the present level of 41.50. Under MM-IV, the schemes for Training of workers and supervisors (6.1), Productivity and Improvement and TQM facilitation (6.3) and Subsidy for acquisition of plants and machinery (6.4) have contributed towards upgradation of technology, reduction of wastage, improvement of management practices, better trained employees and resultant increase in productivity. Though mill wise physical survey of man days per MT has not been conducted yet, it is estimated that the man power requirement per MT, in most of the mills where modernization has taken place, has come down to 35 – 36 man days. A study in this respect has already been initiated by NJB in 2013-14 from its own Non-plan fund.
4 The management of the mills has to implement the modern management practices and labour productivity reforms. In 6 jute mills and 6 Jute diversified units – different management practices and labour productivity reforms viz., TQM, Energy Management, Waste Management, Work Study & Ergonomics and Maintenance management studies have been conducted. The corrective measures have been implemented in most of the mills. A study for setting up of a National Index of the jute producing units on compliance of health and safety measures from NJB's own non-plan funding in 2013-14.
5 The composition of production will undergo significant changes. From the existing level of 8%, the JDPs will go up to 20%. The exports of JDPs will go up by 55% over the present level. As against Rs.600 crores of JDP production (8% of total jute goods production) in 2007-08, the production value of JDPs in 2012-13 has gone up to Rs.2611 crores representing 31% of total jute goods production. Despite the world-wide recession in 2009-10, the exports of JDPs have reached Rs.441 crores in 2011-12 as against Rs.256 crores in 2006-07, registering an increase of around 72%.
Scheme No Physical Targets Achievements
6.1 24150 workers to be trained 24131 workers have been trained in 39 jute mills 33 DVDs on 21 audio-visual modules on different process of production developed.
6.2 CJMD- A centre to be set up under PPP mode 5 types of machinery were to be developed ISMDCP- 4 machinery to be developed CJMD- A state-of-the art Centre for Jute Machinery Development has been set up 5 M/cs have been developed, out of which: 2 M/cs under commercialization and are running in 3 mills. ISMDCP- 1 M/c developed and under commercialisation
6.3 Five types of studies to be undertaken in Jute Mills and JDP Units 1. TQM
2. Energy Management
3. Waste Management
4. Work Study & Ergonomics study
5. Maintenance management
To be studied and suggestions implemented in 6 jute mills and 6 JDP units.
Studies & implementation in 6 jute mills completed by engaging 5 national professional institutions. Studies and implementation in 6 JDP units completed.
6.4 Modernization and upgradation in old mills and setting up of Modern Mills. Total Investment envisaged – Rs. 400 Crores. 120 units availed subsidy with total investment of Rs 518.61 Crore
7.1 21 R&D Studies & other components 21 studies were taken up and completed by 6 National Institutions Final disseminations of the developments and findings were later put on Bid by NJB, from its own fund, for preparation of Techno-Commercially feasible DPRs, which are under progress. Other components - design development and dissemination by 11 agencies were undertaken and completed.
7.2 1) 180 activity areas to be covered
2) 114 WSHGs to be identified
3) 4600 individuals to be imparted training
4) 850 individuals to be provided with machinery assistance
1) 428 activity areas have been covered.
2) 2106 WSHGs have been identified
3) 28170 individuals have been imparted training
4) 746 individuals have been provided with machinery assistance
7.3 1) 32 JSCs
2) 30 JRMBs
3) Product Dev. Scheme
4) Market Support Scheme
5) Schemes for NER
1) 35 JSCs have been established
2) 31 JRMBs have been established
3) 1971 training programmes organized benefiting 37750 artisans
4) 828 JDP-SHG units were set up.
5) Market support schemes & schemes for NER implemented as per scheme.
7.4 Commercialisation of Technology- Conference, Interaction Workshop Project wise interaction workshops held. Combined technology conference of some of the completed projects for commercialization has taken place. Since fund was not available, this activity was later taken up by NJB from its own fund in 2013-14.
7.5 10 Jute Parks (including 4 in NER) 10 Jute Parks originally approved – Due to problem in acquiring land and its further transfers, most of the SPVs could not progress further. 3 SPVs even refunded the initial installments released to them. Finally 4 Jute parks, including 1 in NER has been set up. 25 % of the targeted units in these parks have already started production. 27 manufacturing units are now in operation in these 4 parks.