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Social And Environmental Compliances

Jute is a rain fed crop grown largely in India. Jute is also known as "golden fibre". Jute is beneficial for both man and nature. It helps in keeping the environment clean as it requires less fertilizer. It has many benefits, but its importance has not been realised fully. Rampant use of already banned plastic bags has affected the popularity of Jute products.
The main reason of polythene being more popular is the cost of production. Jute is a bit more expensive. In return, polythene damages the environment as it is not bio-degradable.
Production of polythene emits huge amount of carbon-di-oxide in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. It is also not beneficial for soil as it damages fertility of land. Synthetic products block the flow of water and also cause floods and water logging. It also leaves behind huge amount of non-degradable waste which is a huge problem.
Jute, which has versatile uses because of its physical and chemical properties such as high tensile strength, low extensibility and better breath-ability, has immense environmental benefits:


The most important feature of jute is that it is bio-degradable and does not pollute the environment. It does not leave any waste behind and keeps the environment clean.

Cleaning the environment

According to studies and research, one hectare of jute plant can absorb upto 15 tons of carbon dioxide and in return releases 11tons of oxygen during a season which is about 100 days. This is a boon for the already polluted environment.

Contributes in decreasing Environmental pollution

Jute products help in decreasing environmental pollution as its use decreases the demand for plastic bags which are non-bio degradable and pollute the surroundings. Jute bags are more useful as compared to the plastic bags as they can be used again and again.

Eases the pressure on Natural oil stock

Petrol is a natural resource which is limited in nature. Plastic and poly bags are made from petroleum products. This puts a lot of pressure on our limited petroleum reserve. Therefore, the use of jute can really ease the burden.

Requires less land for cultivation

Jute products require less land when compared to others. This can be helpful in producing other crops like food crops. This will help in reducing food demand.

Less requirement of fertilizers & pesticides

Jute requires fewer amounts of fertilizers and pesticides as compared to a crop like cotton. This will in turn help the environment being clean as it will put less pressure on soil. The jute crop helps in improving soil condition and fertility as the leftover like leaves and roots work as a manure.

Improves the soil

Jute helps in improving the condition of soil and also increases its fertility.

Environment friendly practices

Methods used in the production of jute and its by-products are very eco-friendly and it has a very less impact on our environment.

Alternate source of wood

Jute can be alternate source of wood as it can be used to make paper bags, furniture etc.Dry stem of jute can be a substitute of wood in many ways such as firewood, fencing and raw-material for paper and hardboard. Jute can be harvested within 4 to 6 months as compared to trees which take 10 to 14 years to mature.

Helps in maintaining Eco balance

Trees play an important role in our environment. We can maintain a perfect eco-balance by promoting jute and its products. This will help in increasing the number of trees which in turn will help in solving problems like loss of fertile soil, rain shortfalls, reducing forest cover.