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Citizen's Charter

This Charter is a declaration of the mission and the commitment of the National Jute Board as an organisation to promote quality and excellence in Indian Jute industry to have its presence felt within the country and to make it globally competitive


The Ministry of Textiles, Government of India has constituted the National Jute Board (NJB) in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-Section (1) of Section 3 of the National Jute Board Act, 2008 (No.12 of 2009).

Composition Of The National Jute Board (NJB)

The Secretary in charge of the ministry of the Central Government dealing with textiles, who shall be the ex-officio Chairperson of the Board.
Three Members of Parliament of whom two shall be elected from among themselves by the members of the House of the people and one from among themselves by the members of the Council of States.
The Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, ex-officio.
The Joint Secretary (Jute) in the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, ex-officio.
Two members of the rank of Joint Secretary to be nominated by the Central Government to represent respectively the ministries of the Central Government dealing with - Agriculture and Food and public distribution .
  1. Three members to be nominated by the Central Government by rotation in the alphabetical order to represent respectively the Governments of the States of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tripura and West Bengal; the nomination shall be from officials of the State Government holding the rank of Secretary to the State Government and dealing with Jute or Textile matters.
  2. Three members of jute farmers of which one from State of West Bengal and two from other States on rotational basis to be nominated by the Central Government.
  3. Three members of jute workers of which one from State of West Bengal and two from other States nominated by the Central Government on rotational basis.
  4. Two experts from the field of jute technology and related field to be nominated by the Central Government.
  5. Two members from the "micro enterprises", "small enterprises" and "medium enterprises" dealing in jute industry to be nominated by the Central Government.
  6. Two members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the jute industry in the organized sector.
  7. Two members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the jute industry in the decentralized sector.
  8. Two members to be appointed by the Central Government to represent the exporters of jute products.
  9. The Director, Indian Jute Industries Research Association, ex-officio.
  10. The Principal, Institute of Jute Technology, ex-officio.
  11. The Director, National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology, Kolkata, ex-officio.
  12. The Director, Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, ex-officio.
  13. The Chairman and Managing Director, Jute Corporation of India, ex-officio.
  14. The Jute Commissioner, ex-officio.The Secretary, National Jute Board, who shall be the ex-officio Member-Secretary of the Board.

Values Espoused

Remembering at all times that we are rendering service to our country and its citizens.
Acting with integrity & judiciousness, transparency & accountability, courtesy & understanding.
Optimum use of scarce resources with the help of modern technology and management practices.     

The Business We Transact

NJB Takes Measures In

Evolving an integrated approach to jute cultivation in the matters of formulation of schemes, extension work, implementation and evaluation of schemes aimed at increasing the yield of jute and improving the quality thereon.
Promoting production of better quality raw jute.
Enhancing productivity of raw jute.
Promoting or undertaking arrangements for better marketing and stablisation of the prices of raw jute.
Promoting standardization of raw jute and jute products.
Suggesting norms of efficiency for jute industry with a view to eliminating waste, obtaining optimum production, improving quality and reducing costs.
Propagating information useful to the growers of raw jute and manufacturers of jute products.
Promoting and undertaking measures for quality control or raw jute and jute products.
Assisting and encouraging studies and research for improvement of processing, quality, techniques of grading and packaging; of raw jute.
Promoting or undertaking surveys or studies aimed at collection and formulation of statistics regarding raw jute and jute products.
Promoting standardization of jute manufactures.
Promoting the development of production of jute manufactures by increasing the efficiency and productivity of the jute industry.
Sponsoring, assisting, coordinating, encouraging or undertaking scientific, technological, economic and marketing research pertaining to the jute sector.
Maintaining and improving existing markets and to develop new markets within the country and outside for jute manufactures and to devise marketing strategies in consonance with the demand for such manufactures in the domestic and international markets.
Sponsoring, assisting, coordinating or encouraging scientific, technological and economic research in the matters related to materials, equipment, methods of production, product development including discovery and development of new materials, equipment and methods and improvements in those already in use in the jute industry.
Providing and creating necessary infrastructural facilities and conditions conducive to the development of diversified jute products by way of assisting the entrepreneurs, artisans, craftsman, designers, manufacturers, exporters, non-Governmental agencies in the following manner, namely :--
  1. Transferring of technology from research and development institutions and other organistions in India and abroad;

  2. Providing support services to the entrepreneurs for the implementation of their projects including technical guidance and training;

  3. Organizing entrepreneurial development programmes;

  4. Planning and executing market promotion strategies including exhibitions, demonstrations, media campaigns in India and abroad;

  5. Providing financial assistance by way of subsidy or seed capital;

  6. Providing a forum to the people engaged or interested in diversified jute products for interacting with various national and international agencies, engaged in the jute and jute textile sector;

Organizing workshops, conferences, lectures, seminars, refresher courses and setting up study groups and conducting training programmes for the purpose of promotion and development of jute and jute products.
Undertaking research on jute seed to improve quality and to shorten the gestation period of jute crop.
Incorporating measures for sustainable Human Resource Development of the jute sector and to provide necessary funds for the same.
Modernization of jute sector and technology development.
Taking steps to protect the interests of jute growers and workers and to promote their welfare by improving their livelihood avenues.
Securing better working conditions and provisions and improvement of amenities and incentives for workers engaged in the jute industry.
Registering jute growers and manufacturers on optional basis.
Collecting statistics with regard to jute and jute products for compilation and publication.
Subscribing to the share capital of or entering into any arrangement (whether by way of partnership, joint venture or any other manner) with any other body corporate for the purpose of promoting the jute sector or for promotion and marketing of jute and jute products in India and abroad.

NJB Undertakes The Following Specific Activities :

NJB in its effort towards prioritising promotional activities puts specific focus on product-market linkage
NJB in its market development initiatives regularly conducts buyer-seller-meets, contact promotion programmes, visits of delegations and participation in fairs in both within and outside India.
NJB in its bid to encourage jute diversification activities, as also to promote jute as a eco-fibre / product, along with Indian jute sectors capacity and strength, takes appropriate measures in the form of assisting development of human resources, disseminating commercial intelligence, circulating useful data & trade enquiries and subsidising marketing efforts.



Schemes Implemented By NJB Under Non-Plan Funding By The Government of India

Scheme to Supply Chain and Bulk Supply of JDPs for selective and mass consumption
Fast Track Schemes to Support Participation in Fairs and Business Delegations Abroad for Promotion of Exports of Lifestyle and other Diversified Jute Products
Scheme for Workers' Welfare in the Jute Sector
Scholarship Scheme – Worker's Welfare 
Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plants and Machinery
Jute Integrated Development Scheme (JIDS)
Jute Raw Material Bank(JRMB)

Note :- Details are available under "Current Schemes "


Copies of the schemes are available in the NJB's website:


NJB'S Reach

Head Office:


Patsan Bhawan
CF 6/1, Street No. 175
New Town Action Area 1
Kolkata - 7000156

Regional office:

      Delhi Office:

      Flat Nos. 508 & 509,
      Prakash Deep Building (5th Floor),
      7, Tolstoy Marg,
      New Delhi - 110 001




A complement of professionally qualified and experienced personnel dedicated to their tasks, provide desired facilitation to the clients and customers.
Dedicated and qualified personnel to co-ordinate with the Central/State Govt. agencies, research and financial institutions for the promotion of organised and informal Jute Sector.
Effective mechanism for grievance redressal and preventive vigilance.

Standard Of Performance

Our endeavour to excel is in maintaining promptness, efficiency, sincerity, transparency and judiciousness in our actions and decisions.
Communications are instantly received under due acknowledgements in writing.
Information sought for are promptly attended to immediately and not later than a fortnight's time.
Business enquires are disseminated to the Manufacturers of Jute Products and other jute interests with the promptness and transparencies they merit and generally within twenty four hours.
Regular dissemination of information on jute, jute products, export statistics and other market intelligence, etc.
Clients are easily reached through aggressive promotional publicity - circulation of statistical bulletins(bi-annually) and other product-specific publicity materials to all clients and customers.

NJB'S Clients


All growers of Jute
All producers of Jute Manufactures
All exporters of Jute Manufactures
All workmen employed in factories engaged in production of Jute Manufactures
All engaged in Human Resource Development for the jute sector.
All engaged in technological research and development of Jute products and processes.
We also liaise with the following offices, organisations and institutions who are engaged and committed to the promotion of jute and jute products and for protection and promotion of jute growers, workers, manufacturers, exporters and consumers :

NJB'S Expectations From The Clinets And Citizens


Citizens and Clients to appreciate the need for keeping the World Green and for using environment- friendly products by propagating the use of more and more nature friendly jute and jute products for daily consumer and industrial uses.

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